Regardless of where you stand regarding the conflict of Ukraine, it is fact that with every military conflict, there are innocent victims of the conflict; and we are seeing that in the millions of people that are being displaced from their homes with potentially no home to return to. So there is a very urgent need for humanitarian assistance. There are many respectable and notable organisations out there and I am appealing to you all to provide support in whatever way that you are comfortable with.
I know that we are all going through difficult times, so at least from me, whatever you are able to provide is very much appreciated.
Even if you are not in a position to make donations, helping to spread the word will be immensely beneficial.
With the help of others from another group that I belong to, here is a list of some organisations that are helping with the current conflict. It's not a comprehensive list, but if you don't know where to start, here is a list of a few:
World Vision
Ukraine's main charity fund
The UN Refugee Agency
Humanitarian Coalition
Red Cross (Cdn government matching donations up to $10 million)
Samaritan's Purse (field hospitals)
Thank you for reading this. I don't often get involved in causes as there are just too many, but while the conflict might hopefully be resolved at any moment, the humanitarian need will be ongoing for quite some time yet. Please find a couple minutes to see how you can help, and like I said, even if it's just helping to spread the word, that would be wonderful and amazing.
~Team Koyoti