Super excited that we’re finally able to launch the new koyoti.com website. It’s certainly been a long time coming. We’re a small team, so we have to focus on our clients. There’s a saying, and it might be entirely apocryphal, but it is often said that ‘the shoemaker’s kids have no shoes’. I think that very much applies to us. This website is something that we’ve been tinkering with for a while now. But it’s finally here! Our team is excited to see the fruits of their passionate labour finally go live!
The previous website was created with two purposes in mind. It needed to be up and running quickly, and it needed to be easy to manage, with the former reason as part of the reason for the subsequent reason. We recognised that because we were going to be doing it very quickly, that there was likely going to be many tweaks and changes that would likely follow. As I wanted the team to focus on client work, there was a lot of things that I would want to tinker with in the background. Unfortunately, I’m not the most technically savvy person out there, so it needed to be something that I could fiddle with without taking too much time from my team members.
We’ve seen a lot of templated designs for Wordpress based sites. The problem with template based Wordpress sites is that you’re entirely reliant on the person(s) who developed the theme to continue working on the theme. The more popular the theme, the more likely the theme will get worked on. But the more popular the theme, it also means there is a higher likelihood that your website will look like someone else’s. When it comes to branding, we’re talking about differentiation; how to separate your brand from that of your competitors. So we’re a big believer in custom designed sites. So one thing that we wanted to see, was how far we could push the Wordpress platform within Koyoti’s needs. We will see moving forward how all of our customisations will affect performance and SEO.
Moving Forward
Our intention moving forward, is for the Koyoti website to be a sandbox for our team. We’re extremely proud of how the new website has come together, but we’re already working on the next one. We will be testing and trying different styles and platforms. Not only will this allow us to push some boundaries to see what other platforms are capable of, but it will also allow our design team to flex their creative muscles.
We really love this approach. Not only does it set us apart from other marketing agencies, but it also pushes our team to stretch and grow. It gives our team an opportunity create things that might not work for most clients. It allows us to see what new team members can come up with, and have a safe place for them to try things out.
Please take a look, and let us know your thoughts. We are always looking for areas in which to improve and better be able to serve small businesses, help them differentiate themselves from their competitors, and most importantly, thrive.
In 1985, a supergroup of singers got together and recorded the song, “We Are The World“. On the first night of recording, the musicians were greeted by a sign pinned to the door which read, “Please check your egos at the door”.
Ego is counter-productive. Forget ego. It gets in the way. We are all working together to try and make this thing better. Everyone’s got their ideas of what’s the BEST way of doing things. Quite often, there is no one right answer either. So regardless if you’re a business partner, or a temp worker making minimum wage, park your ego. Decision making shouldn’t be about whether or not it bruises someone’s ego. It should be about what makes the best sense for the situation and for the brand / company / organisation you’re trying to build. There’s no reason nor need to take offense to any business decisions made. This is something that even team leaders need to make note of too. No decision should ever be made, “because I said so”.
Yes, there are times when you’ll disagree and yes, you might have to concede to whomever is in charge, but at the very least, they should be able to tell you their reasoning and not because it’s how they feel.
Ego is counter-productive. Please check your egos at the door.